Bathroom Hardware Designed for Accessibility & Style
We found a company related to bathroom remodeling that we had to share with you that offers a very unique and interesting product line. As we remodel more bathrooms for people that are retiring and getting older, we walk a fine line between style and function. The idea of universal design and planning to age in place have become hot topics for discussion as people figure out how they are going to age in their own homes.
We want to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Invisia Collection. The Invisia Collection offers the perfect blend of form and function. Created by HealthCraft Products Inc., their bathroom fixtures and hardware are meant to address a balance of luxury and safety.
We reached out to Jason st. Amant of HealthCraft Products to learn more about the Invisia Collection to share it with you. He was as accommodating as their products are and gladly shared with us their inspiration and some client feedback.
Q: Where did the inspiration come from for the Invisia Collection?
A: As a manufacturer of leading edge bath safety products, we’ve always believed that the real key to making every bathroom safer was to remove the stigma associated with grab bars. Our journey to design something truly unique started with a reoccurring theme…
People don’t have a problem with safety. They have a problem with grab bars.
Unfortunately, for many people, grab bars are the embodiment of the institutional look and they carry with them the stigma associated with aging. On the other hand, bathroom accessories can represent the height of luxury. A carefully selected soap dish or toilet paper dispenser can be beautiful pieces of art.
So we thought….Why not create a luxurious bathroom accessory that just so happens be a grab bar hidden in plain sight.
Q: What are the most popular pieces within the collection?
A: All of the items are quite popular. We find that most clients incorporate a few pieces to ensure a uniform look and offer support throughout the bathroom.
Q: What’s next for the Invisia Collection?
A: We’ve recently added a stunning brushed nickel finish to the offering as well as the SerenaSeat shower bench that folds away to less than 4inches deep.
Q: Once installed, what has been the client feedback?
A: Feedback from designers and clients alike has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s always a great feeling when the products we’ve worked so hard to design, deliver on their promise of safety with style.
Clients love the duel functionality of the Invisia Collection. We often hear things like: “I wasn’t interested in putting grab bars in the bathroom, but a Soap Dish that has a grab bar integrated into the design was a no-brainer.”
The most satisfying aspect of the Invisia Collection is that it’s appealing to everyone, young and old alike. Whether it be families with young kids who treat towel bars like a jungle gym or Baby Boomers who are finally getting that custom, dream bathroom and want to ensure that it will serve them now and in the future. The fact that they can create a safer bathing environment without deterring from the look is a real bonus.
We couldn’t agree more. What do you think of the Invisia Collection?