When choosing the best flooring for your bathroom, there are several factors to consider.

First and foremost is durability. You want a flooring material that can withstand daily wear and tear, as well as resist stains and water damage. Waterproof properties are also crucial, as bathrooms are prone to moisture and water spills. Low maintenance flooring options are ideal, as they are easy to clean and require minimal upkeep. It’s also important to consider your budget and personal style preferences when selecting the best bathroom flooring for your home.


Durability is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing the best flooring for bathrooms. You want a flooring material that can withstand the daily wear and tear of a bathroom environment.

Porcelain and ceramic tiles are popular options known for their durability. They have a wear layer that protects against scratches and stains, making them an ideal choice for high-traffic bathrooms. Stained concrete is also highly durable and can withstand water exposure without damage.

When selecting the best bathroom flooring for durability, consider the specific needs and use of your bathroom to ensure the longevity of your flooring choice.


Ease of installation is an important consideration when choosing the best flooring for bathrooms.

Most types of flooring require professional installation due to their complexity and the need for specialized tools. Professional installation ensures a proper and long-lasting installation, but it can add to the overall cost of your bathroom remodel.

Consider the ease of installation and potential labor costs when choosing the best bathroom flooring for your project.


Maintenance is an important factor to consider when choosing the best flooring for your bathroom. Regular maintenance and proper care are necessary to keep your bathroom flooring in good shape and extend its lifespan.

Some flooring options, like porcelain and ceramic tiles, require minimal maintenance and can be easily cleaned with regular sweeping and mopping. Stained concrete is also low maintenance and can be cleaned with a mild detergent and water.

Consider your lifestyle and willingness to perform regular maintenance when selecting the best bathroom flooring for your home.


Waterproof properties are crucial when choosing the best flooring for bathrooms. Bathrooms are prone to high levels of humidity and water spills, so it’s important to select a flooring material that can withstand these conditions without damage.

Porcelain and ceramic tiles are also waterproof options that can withstand high moisture conditions. They have a protective glaze that prevents water absorption and protects against water damage.

When choosing the best bathroom flooring, prioritize waterproof properties to ensure the longevity and durability of your flooring choice.

Best Flooring Options For Bathrooms

There are several flooring options that are considered the best for bathrooms. Ceramic and porcelain tile is a popular choice due to its waterproof properties and affordability. Natural stone, such as marble and travertine, adds a touch of luxury to any bathroom and is highly durable.

Consider your budget, style preferences, and specific needs when selecting the best flooring option for your bathroom remodel.

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic tile is a popular choice for bathroom flooring due to its durability, versatility, and wide range of design options.

It is available in a variety of colors, patterns, and textures, making it easy to find a style that suits your bathroom decor. Ceramic tile is also highly resistant to water and moisture, making it suitable for bathroom environments. It is easy to clean and maintain, requiring regular sweeping and mopping to keep it looking its best.

Ceramic tile is a popular choice among homeowners and designers for its durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. Consider ceramic tile for your bathroom flooring if you want a stylish and long-lasting option.

Porcelain Tile

Porcelain tile is another popular choice for bathroom flooring due to its durability, low maintenance, and wide range of design options. Porcelain tile is denser than ceramic tile, making it highly resistant to water and moisture.

It is also low maintenance, requiring regular sweeping and mopping to keep it clean. Porcelain tile is available in various colors, patterns, and finishes, allowing you to create a customized look for your bathroom. It is a great choice for bathrooms with high moisture conditions, as it can withstand water exposure without damage.

If you’re looking for a durable and low maintenance flooring option for your bathroom, porcelain tile is an excellent choice.

Marble Tile

Marble tile is a luxurious and elegant choice for bathroom flooring. It adds a touch of sophistication and beauty to any bathroom. Marble tile comes in a variety of colors and patterns, allowing you to create a unique and stylish look for your bathroom.

It is a highly durable material that can withstand the daily wear and tear of a bathroom environment. However, it is important to note that marble tile requires regular maintenance and proper care to keep its shine and beauty intact. It may also be more expensive compared to other flooring options.

Consider marble tile if you want a luxurious and visually appealing flooring option for your bathroom.

Travertine Tile

Travertine tile is a natural stone option that is highly durable and visually appealing. It is a popular choice for bathroom flooring due to its natural beauty and unique patterns.

Travertine is available in various finishes, such as polished or honed, allowing you to achieve the desired look for your bathroom. It is a durable material that can withstand high moisture conditions and daily use. However, it is important to note that travertine tile requires regular maintenance, including sealing, to prevent staining and water damage.

If you want a natural stone flooring option that adds warmth and character to your bathroom, consider travertine tile.

Stained Concrete

Stained concrete is a unique and modern choice for bathroom flooring. It offers a sleek and industrial aesthetic that is perfect for contemporary or minimalist bathroom designs.

Stained concrete is highly durable and can withstand water exposure without damage. It is also easy to clean and maintain, requiring regular sweeping and occasional damp mopping. Stained concrete can be customized with various colors and patterns, allowing you to create a unique and personalized look for your bathroom. It is a suitable option for smaller bathrooms, as the seamless and smooth surface visually expands the space.

Consider stained concrete for your bathroom flooring if you want a contemporary and low maintenance option.


Each type of bathroom flooring has its advantages in terms of durability, maintenance, and waterproof properties.

Consider factors like ease of installation and long-term upkeep to make an informed decision. Whether you opt for the classic elegance of marble or the modern look of stained concrete, ensure your bathroom flooring meets your requirements.

Ultimately, selecting the right flooring not only enhances the look of your space but also adds value to your home. Make a choice that suits your style and stands the test of time.